À bientôt Part II

À bientôt Paris… I know part three will happen in the days to come… I know I will return again…I and Paris’ destiny is certainly entwined. Just as well as London’s …where I think I might want to live haha I arose early this morning to get a petit déjeuner at a cafe by the … Continue reading

Sitting on the steps of Sacré Cœur

(Forgive the over sentimental tones/moments in this post…) Its been a while since I’ve been able to just sit and look at the scenery around me. (Without being on a time limit that is) I’m pretty sure my true age fluctuates rapidly from giddy 10 year old to contemplative 70 year old 😶 …. Because … Continue reading

London finale part I and II

Ello dear friends:) So, I’m currently in Paris and I “forgot” (aka) was way too lazy to do a London closure post….sooo lets rewind 4 days and I’ll start there. .. London closure part I : I had planned for my aunt and I to take another break from London and do a day trip … Continue reading

Navigation pride

My feet throb… My heads’ full… I can’t stop… I want more…. I formally introduced myself to London, England on sunday, firstly by visiting The Eye ( The big ferris wheel for those who might not know ) and then walking around Westminster. Big Ben at night is a beautiful sight to behold BTW ***side … Continue reading

The Array of Lights or ‘Adventure arising’

Sigh… London …to be in love with you and to have never have met you…is such a strange feeling… But your alluring introduction of a vast and glowing city, has succeeded in charming and intimidating me… Another adventure begins… Once again, the excitement and euphoric moment of take off caused me to happily bounce in … Continue reading

<a href=”http://thoughtcatalog.com/yara-coelho/2013/12/7-reasons-why-you-should-travel-alone-at-least-once-in-your-life/#X7XsZrJPR2R0dAeA.32&#8243; title=” Traveling Alone Traveling Alone ❤ The revelations you have -that are life changing- and without the distractions or influences of others.

Negative Nancy, Sarcastic Sue and Cynical Clyde, don’t make good travel buddies…

Negative Nancy, Sarcastic Sue and Cynical Clyde what a trio! It’s strange, how easy going and natural you can feel around them. I mean it’s not like you have to ‘try’ when you’re around them. Somehow you just know that your ‘Cool’ when you’re around them. Your hang out time’s usually consists of just chillin … Continue reading

Put more lard in the Dough!!

I lay on my bed, holding my passport, gazing up at my two stamps… somewhat satisfied, but also hungry for more… Now that I’ve committed to giving some TLC to this blog regularly, I’ve been looking around at other blogs( for guidance) their impressive travel knowledge and poise… And regretfully started playing the comparison game. … Continue reading

Le Bucket List…for those that are intrigued

Once upon a time, I only wanted to go to three places in my life…things change 🙂 1. London. 2. Italy (specifically Monte Carlo, Venice, Verona, and Rome) 3.Tokyo and the south of Japan 4.Iceland (To catch Aurora Borealis) 5.New York (it’s New York, I just gotta) 6.Australia (The opera house and possibly try surfing:) … Continue reading

Museums, Writing, Markets and Other Indie like Clichés

Hi💛 I haven’t written anything since I left Paris two weeks ago. Under normal circumstances that would have been unacceptable, but I think it was actually for the best. Anything I would have written two weeks ago would have been slight rubbish to be honest. But if you are curious…( if such blog had existed … Continue reading